
The ML-70™ offers combat-proven protection capability with numerous systems fielded plus options for both ballistic and electronic measures.

  • Latest crashworthy armoured cockpit, troop and gunner seats using latest energy attenuation technology designed and tested to MIL-S-85510. 
  • Ballistic-proof cockpit transparencies. 
  • Ballistic-proof floor and side protection. 
  • Extant obscuration plots and signature mapping for Defensive Aids / Aircraft Survivability Equipment to exploit.
  • Defensive Aids Suite.
  • Electro-Optical /Infra-Red (EO/IR) Sensors.
  • Genuine Modular Open Systems Architecture (MOSA) glass cockpit with integrated Flight Management System  allowing seamless integration of 3rd-party mission systems such as Defensive Aids Suite and weapons.
  • GPS, Terrain Awareness and Warning, Synthetic Vision, compatibility with existing EO/IR systems and Helmet Mounted Displays with a viable growth path to a certified Degraded Visual Environment system.
  • Metal airframe; facilitating optimal positioning of Missile Warning System, Radar Warning Receiver, Countermeasure Dispensing System boxes, and Directional Infrared Countermeasure turrets whilst enabling swift Battlefield Damage Repair.

The ability to consult existing type user groups significantly advances operational evaluation including signature data and Defensive Aid Suite /Air Survivability Equipment effectiveness such as obscuration plots for Missile Warning Systems / Directional Infrared Countermeasures and Radar Cross Section aspect parameters to assist with Radar Break Lock Manoeuvres.


Focus on designing survivability into the base airframe started with Survivability Key User Requirements as incorporated into the original Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System (UTTAS) design spec and derived from US Army “Army Mobility Research & Development Laboratory report TR 71-22”.

  • Proven 23mm ballistic tolerant structure and main rotor blades.
  • Proven 23mm ballistic tolerant upper controls and rotor hub.
  • Tailwheel landing gear designed for increased survivability in Degraded Visual Environment (‘brown-out’ / ‘white-out’) enabling ‘zero-zero’ landing without risk of tail strike and reducing risk of rollover caused by loss of visual references.
  • Low profile cabin and centre of gravity to aid manoeuvrability.
  • Energy absorbent landing gear tolerant up to 30ft/sec.Dual, redundant parallel primary and tail rotor servos with jam protection.
  • 3rd, back-up, electrically-powered 3000psi hydraulic system.
  • Single Hydraulic/Stability Augmentation System permitted inoperative up to 170 knots.
    (Dual Hydraulic/Stability Augmentation System permitted inoperative up to 150 knots).
  • Self-sealing, crashworthy fuel tanks.
  • Digital Engine Control with backup mechanical override in case of system failure due ballistic damage.

For more information on Team ML70 contact us